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Packaging made from marine animal shells. New innovations th

Gửi bàiĐã gửi: Thứ 4 Tháng 4 20, 2022 11:55 am
gửi bởi jiraporn66
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A California company canสมัครสมาชิกสล็อตrevolutionize the packaging industry with eco-friendly innovations. It has developed a new form of plastic foam that could be a game changer in the packaging industry.

Plastic foam is a common packaging product made from polystyrene which is not biodegradable. and difficult to recycle but will be broken into shreds and may end up in the ocean Until becoming dangerous to marine animals that eat these plastics.

But now a California company has developed a plastic foam made from chitin. which is more environmentally friendly

Chitin is a substance found in the shells of crustaceans such as crabs, shrimp and lobsters. Which is different from plastic foam in that it is naturally biodegradable.

According to John Felts, CEO and co-founder of Cruz Foam, what can be done is The material was developed in the process which resulted in a highly qualified foam structure.

The material is lightweight yet strong enough to protect not only fragile items such as electronic devices but also other devices. but also heavy and expensive objects such as televisions as well

However, what motivates Felts and his partners is their love of the ocean.

He said that as a surfer They do not want to see massive amounts of plastic pollution entering the oceans every year and believe there should be a better solution.

Scott Cassel, environmental activist, CEO and founder of the Product Stewardship Institute whose mission is to reduce the health and environmental impact of consumer products throughout their lifecycle. told VOA via Skype that Cruz Foam is just one of a growing number of companies. interested in running a business that is environmentally friendly and with the impact of climate change and the global plastic crisis that exists now The consumers are trying to drive companies. Think of a better way to benefit in the long run.